The Guardian – CEO Pay Rises at Double the Rate of Workers

Riviera’s very own Sam Wholley gave expert positioning regarding executive hiring in the Valley this week. The Guardians’ article, “CEO Pay Rises at Double the Rate of Workers”, gave great insight on the recession history of senior executives; along with the great money, numerous perks, and the plentiful jobs in the C-suite universe

(The Guardian) – CEO Pay Rises at Double the Rate of Workers

If you’re a CEO, rest easy this Friday jobs report day.

Economists, policy-makers and other finance spectators may lose sleep over unemployment numbers each month, but experts say that there may be no better time to be a senior executive.

The US unemployment rate for November is expected continue its downward march, after it hit a 5.8% low in October. But the Fed’s beige book predicts a mere 0.2% increase in hourly wage growth this month, which is only a modest 2% boost from the previous year.

If this appears to be only a marginal improvement from the recession years for the middle class, top-level executives have had less to worry about.

Microsoft shareholders just cleared a fat $84m pay package for CEO Satya Nadella. The amount includes base pay, of $918,917, a $3.6m bonus and $79.8m in stock grants that won’t vest until 2019.

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