Register Now: Free Job Search Webinar to Help Advance Your Career

There’s no time like the present (aka the New Year) to focus on advancing your career. Riviera’s resident career development specialist Wendy Sacuzzo is hosting a free career development and job search webinar this upcoming Wednesday, January 21st at noon. The workshop will include advice on how to tell your career story, how to effectively work with a recruiter, and how to best communicate your skills and experience. Wendy will also dive into social media, offering tips on how to use LinkedIn, Twitter and Glassdoor for networking, job search, and interview preparation. Interested? Register now (password: tech2015).

This event will cover:

  • Gaining awareness of your career goals and how to tell your career story, including your elevator pitch.
  • Exploring what a successful job search looks like, including resources.
  • Learning how to effectively work with a recruiter.
  • Increasing awareness of your skills and values, and how to communicate them in your cover letter, resume, and interviews.
  • Why you should be using LinkedIn, Twitter and Glassdoor for networking and job search, and how to polish up your profiles to successfully build your personal brand
  • How to increase your connections and find resources for informational interviews
  • Twitter for networking, job search, and interview preparation

Additionally, Riviera offers in-person career development workshops in partnership with Women Who Code. For more information, check out the “Job Club” events at the Women Who Code MeetUp page. Events are open to all genders, just be sure to register!

Contact Wendy Saccuzzo with questions at

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