Quantum Computing: A Subset of AI

on 08 | 29 | 2023

The relentless pursuit of making machines more intelligent has carved the way for Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI’s relationship with classical computers has yielded amazing innovations, but as we’ve seen with CPUs making room for GPUs, it is unlikely even GPU processing capabilities will keep pace with AI model training demands. Training an intricate model, like face recognition or chatGPT, on classical computers can stretch from months to years and cost millions of dollars. So, where do we head next? Enter the world of Quantum Computing.


Quantum Computing and AI: A Synergetic Duo

In its infancy, Quantum Computing might seem like an arcane term reserved for sci-fi enthusiasts. But it’s anything but that. Quantum Computing isn’t a realm apart from AI; rather, it’s emerging as a subset that can potentially reshape AI’s efficiency.

Classical computers, bound by binary logic (0s and 1s), have their limitations. Quantum Computers, however, leverage quantum bits or qubits. These qubits exist in a state of superposition, meaning they can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, providing a colossal boost in computational potential to a very specific subset of calculations.


The Reality of Quantum Computing Today

However, it’s crucial to demystify a prevailing misconception: we’re still donning diapers when it comes to Quantum Computing. Most endeavors are in experimental stages. Rather than replacing their classical counterparts, quantum computers are presently being utilized in tandem with CPUs and GPUs. In this hybrid model, only select segments of an algorithm leverage quantum acceleration. But even this selective integration can dramatically expedite the training and execution of AI models.

The idea of universal quantum computing, where quantum computers can solve all forms of computer problems and calculations, may be a desired end state by quantum enthusiasts, but they can currently only be used to solve a very narrow very specific type of computational problems.  We’re navigating a period where they complement each other, quantum as a subset of AI.


Quantum Computing in the Real World

Amidst academic papers and theories, quantum computers are finding traction in practical applications:

Chemical Industries: Innovators are using quantum mechanics to fast-track the analysis of new electrolyte formulations, aiding in the creation of superior battery technologies.

Banking and Finance: Big banks are tapping into quantum capabilities to hasten intricate pricing computations. From dynamic assets to pricing derivatives, quantum computing is not only trimming processing power requirements but also enhancing result accuracy.

Aviation: Quantum’s magic is being harnessed by airlines for intricate routing and optimization tasks. From determining the best routes to ensuring optimal fuel usage, quantum computing is revolutionizing logistics by offering quicker and more effective solutions.


AI’s capabilities are rapidly expanding with the integration of Quantum Computing. The current synergy between classical and quantum computing methods is proving beneficial across various sectors. As technology continues to evolve, this integration will further optimize processes, providing quicker and more effective solutions for complex challenges. The future of AI, bolstered by Quantum Computing, promises unprecedented advancements and efficiency.