Wired – Full-Stack Business Is the Future of Recruiting - Riviera Partners

Wired – Full-Stack Business Is the Future of Recruiting

on 03 | 11 | 2015

There’s a reason companies like Uber and Airbnb have multi-billion dollar valuations. Full-stack businesses are leading the market these days. They’re tough to get right, because you need to get both the software and the people side just right. But once you can provide the full solution to the end user, you can grab the entire economic benefit of every transaction while best serving your customers. This is exactly the direction recruiting needs to be headed in the future. Rivi co-founder Ali Behnam gives the full story on Wired’s Innovation Insights.

(Wired) – Full-Stack Business Is the Future of Recruiting

Nest, Netflix, Airbnb. I bet you’ve heard of those. And often. Full stack startups are all the rage these days. In fact, A16Z is on record with identifying the Full Stack Startup, cryptocurrency and transformation of the data center as the three areas that have the potential to create some of biggest disrupters and winners in tech industry.

For those who are unfamiliar, a full stack business is a technology-enabled product or service that directly provides the full solution to the end customer unlike other technology startups that sell their product or service as a technology for internal use typically to the CIO. A full stack business doesn’t charge for the use of the software.

Instead, they charge for the transaction (booking a room in the case of Airbnb) and can grab the full economic benefit of the service. They are the hardest services to get right given you need to get the software and people side right, but if you get it right, they are the hardest business to replicate based on all the interlocking aspects of the business.

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